30x30 UK home

Progress towards 30% of land and sea for nature, by 2030.

Map key
30x30, good condition
30x30, recovering
Other protected areas
Requesting your help

About this map

This map is a tool to track the UK's progress towards protecting 30% of land and sea for nature by 2030.

It helps visualize conservation efforts, highlight fundable projects, and provide transparency in our journey to protect biodiversity.

Map key

30x30, Good Condition: These areas are already in a well-protected state, supporting thriving wildlife and biodiversity.
30x30, Recovering: Areas undergoing restoration efforts to improve habitats, increase biodiversity, and rewild landscapes.
Other Protected Areas: Sites with some level of conservation protection, such as SSSIs, SPAs, and SACs, but not necessarily meeting 30x30 goals.
Requesting Your Help: Conservation projects that need funding or volunteers. Click to learn more about how you can contribute.

Map limitations

New projects certified for 30x30

The process of certifying additional projects to be counted towards 30x30 in the UK is an area that is quickly evolving. At this moment in time, Defra has published the criteria a project must meet, and is currently piloting the certification process.

Help bring this map to life ✨

This is an evolving project, and we’d love to hear your thoughts! If you have suggestions or need something from this map, email us.

Want to submit your own conservation project? Submit your project here.

🌍 Preparing the map...